Premium Guard by Megaplast
Premium Guard
Our Premium Guard products have been used effectively in healthcare, hospitality and workspace situations
for many years. Premium Guard provides the highest level of protection, guarding against microbes and
Premium Guard also protect against the surface growth of fungus, mould, and mildew spores which can cause
unpleasant odours, stains, even allergic reactions. offers superior bacterial protection that healthcare and
hospitality industries can rely on.
Virucidal Activity
Premium Guard is an effective barrier against the virus as is certified with:
– ISO 18184: reduction of Coronavirus* presence by more than 94% within one hour of contact.
Bacteriostatic Properties
Premium Guard ensures free from bacteria upholstered surfaces as is certified with:
– AATCC TM 147: Value of antibacterial activity .
– ISO 22196: Value of antibacterial activity R>2.